Cost reimbursement to IV offices

Federal Social Insurance Office

Key facts

The IV offices implement disability insurance (IV) at cantonal level. In addition, the Central Compensation Office (CCO) manages the IV office for insured persons resident abroad. The IV compensation fund reimburses the administrative expenses of all IV offices, including those of regional medical services. The annual total is around CHF 455 million. The funds are used to assess new applications for integration benefits and pensions, among other things. Almost 15,000 new pensions were registered in Switzerland in 2017. Around 400,000 people receive disability benefits in Switzerland, with around 219,000 receiving a pension and just under 90,000 receiving an investigative measure without disability benefits. The costs for cash benefits, individual measures and implementation costs amounted to approximately CHF 8.5 billion in 2017. The Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) supervises the cantonal IV offices and decides on the costs to be reimbursed.