Specialised bodies
The SFAO provides specialist input to international organisations and focuses on concrete bilateral cooperation with its sister organisations in other countries. It maintains dialogue with its cantonal partners and promotes joint audits.

What bodies is the SFAO a member of?
- The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), The Working Group on Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs (WGEPPP): https://www.intosai.org/, the SFAO chairs the working group
- UN Panel of External Auditors (member)
- European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), (member)
- Institute of Internal Auditors, Switzerland (IIA): https://www.iias.ch/, the SFAO is represented in this organisation and its Director is also a member of the administrative board
- Conference of the federal internal audits: https://www.cug-ir.efk.admin.ch, headed by the SFAO
- Netzwerk Risikomanagement: https://www.netzwerk-risikomanagement.ch, the Vice-President of the SFAO is President of the Board
- Conference of the cantonal audit offices: https://www.cug-kt.efk.admin.ch (SFAO is a member, co-operator of the office and provides the Secretary General)