IT platform NOVA for public transport

Swiss Federal Railways

Key facts

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) implemented the NOVA platform (new public transport connection) on behalf of the sector between 2012 and 2018 with the 100 million franc project called “Central pricing system” (ZPS). It replaces the obsolete central pricing and sales base systems for public transport and is thus the new industry solution. 85 transport companies and fare associations already sell public transport products via NOVA. As at 31.12.2018, this corresponded to around 300 products which are offered via the 46 connected sales channels (e.g. web shops, ticket vending machines, ticket booths), covering approximately 80% of total public transport turnover. Daily turnover via the NOVA platform increased steadily in 2018 and amounted to as much as CHF 11 million at the end of the year, with 300,000 products sold. Annual turnover in 2018 was around CHF 1.4 billion. Ultimately, the total public transport revenue of around CHF 6 billion per year is to be sold via the platform and broken down among the transport companies and fare associations that provide services.