Start / Reports / IT projects / sfao-7248

Audit on the coordination of Geographic Information and Geographic Information Systems (COGIS)

Federal Office of Topography

Key facts

The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) performed an audit on the coordination of Geographic Information (GI) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at swisstopo. – The main goal of the audit was to assess the extent to which the objectives of COGIS (Coordination, Geographic Information and Services) had been achieved as of the end of 2006. In particular, the audit was to provide insight on the coordination, quality and organisation of this complex “undertaking” 1. Primarily, the audit was to determine if, based on the present state of knwoledge, the COGIS objectives and the development of a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) could be achieved within the time frame and financial constraints set by the Federal Council in the “Federal Strategy for Geoinformation” approved on 15th June 2001.