Start / Reports / IT projects / sfao-22207

DTI key project Central Migration Information System renewal with a focus on digital transformation

State Secretariat for Migration

Key facts

The Central Migration Information System (ZEMIS) is the leading register of all foreign nationals living or residing in Switzerland. With more than ten million data records, it is one of the main working tools of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). A replacement system is to be implemented by 2027. The objective is to completely renew the technology and to optimise and focus the business processes. To this end, the ZEMIS renewal (ERZ) programme was launched in 2021. The total budget is CHF 80 million. At the time of the audit, the programme was in the implementation phase and most of the projects were in the initialisation phase. Despite the tense migration situation, the SEM is committed to the programme objectives. The targeted efficiency improvements should lead to an easing of the pressure on resources and help to ensure that crises can be better managed in the future.